Dobermann Club of Queensland Inc.


The Dobermann Club of Queensland, originally formed as the Doberman Association of Qld., was first established in 1965 and was affiliated with the Canine Control Council (Qld) in 1971.
The original constitution set the objectives of the Club as follows:
To prevent any legislation or interference which may be of detriment to the Dobermann dog.
To promote in every way the general improvement of the standard, breeding, training and exhibition of Dobermanns.
To educate the general public to the uses and values of Dobermann dogs.
To inculcate good fellowship and sportsmanship amongst owners of Dobermanns.
To support and hold shows, exhibitions, parades and trials of Dobermann dogs.
These objectives still hold true today.
The Club today is run within the guidelines of a formal constitutions as laid down by the Dogs Queensland and the Club. The Club holds an Annual General Meeting where office bearers are elected to manage the day-to-day affairs of the Club, and monthly General Meetings where the formal business of the Club in conducted.
General and Committee meetings are held monthly on the 3nd Thursday of the month at the Durack Showgrounds, King Avenue, Durack commencing at 7:00 pm.
The Annual General Meeting is held on 3rd Thursday in March each year